The JWebDesktop Project
Last Published: 05/24/2012 07:20:17

Welcome to JWebDesktop


JWebDesktop is a java dektop GUI application developement package. It enables java web developers to write, package and deliver a desktop application, without requiring to learn any desktop GUI API (Swing, SWT, JavaFX etc). Any standard java web application can be packaged and delivered as desktop application (through JWebDesktop) in a matter of minutes. All major OS platforms are supported.

JWebDesktop comes with ready to use application skeleton (exe, embedded browser, embedded servlet engine, automatic initialization of platfor specific GUI components and server statup etc). Just drop your web application in a pre-designated directory, and you are good to go!

Target audience

  • Java Web Developers with experience of writing JSP/Servlet/HTML/JavaScript based web applications but with little or no experience of Java GUI APIs (Swing, SWT, JavaFX etc.). With JWebDesktop, you can design and write any application as a standard java web app and package and deliver it as dektop application. No need to learn new APIs.
  • IT Managers who has a team of web developers and need to deliver a desktop application. No need to hire new people or train existing memebrs. Leverage your teams existing skill and let JWedDesktop take care of rest.
  • If you already have a existing web application and need to bring out a desktop version, than give JWebDesktop a try. Depending on what technologies existing web application uses, you may be able to reuse most of your existing codebase.


  • Support for all OS - both 32 bit and 64 bit(Tested in Windows, Linux .. should work for Mac also)
  • Embedded browser (use system default browser or ability to package your own internal FF browser)
  • Embedded Servlet engine (uses jetty 6.x)
  • Application customization and branding (custom icons, splash screen etc)


Latest Release of JWebDesktop is 1.0

JWebDesktop binaries can be downloaded from sourceforge repository :


JWebDesktop source is maintained in GitHub

You can download the code through Git or as zip file. If you want to contribute your code in JWebDesktop (always welcome), you will need to fork the project and than send me a pull request. The instruction is given here


JWebDesktop is easy to set up. Please consult doucmentation and FAQ section for instructions. If this doesn't solve your problem than you can post a topic in sourceforge project help forum here


JWebDesktop is covered by Apache 2.0 license (a copy is included in binary download zip).

JWebDesktop internally uses open source Jetty, DJ Swing and Netbeans API. If you plan to modify jetty/DJ swing/Netbeans source code, please check individual project sites for their licensing information. If you are happy with JWebDesktop binary distribution, than you need not do anything.